Art and Technology Beyond Disruptive Innovation: The Catechistic Demands of Creative AI and Digital Ledger Technologies in the New Tech Economy

The use of artificial intelligence—propelled by deep learning techniques—to analyze, curate, and even generate digital images is having a profound influence on visual culture, one that well exceeds Jacques Derrida’s anticipations of the effects of technology on society as he described them in Archive Fever. While regulation around emerging technologies such as AI is being formulated across the globe and with much urgency, a concept of “tech ethics” is being espoused by the leading technology companies that is imposing a simplistic moralistic framework onto corporate policies—often under the blindingly naïve rubric of “AI for Good” 2 programs. In my lecture, I will rather foster a nuanced and critical discourse—focused on AI applications in the visual arts—that takes consideration of the points of convergence around the current emerging technology debates in media studies, art history, experimental artistic practice, data science ethics, hermeneutics, and philosophy. Recognizing that the influence that AI has on all images is radically shaping our contemporary visual culture, this course asks students to consider what is at stake for its future, as laws governing the use of AI on images are still in a formative stage. Although consensus on the relationship of art and AI remain nebulous, AI art—in all of its radical manifestations—may well serve as a paradigm for policy makers.

  • Jazyk přednášky: angličtina
  • Přednáška je úvodem do blokově vyučovaného kurzu TIM_BM_018 Theories, Methods, and Experiments in Art & AI (jaro 2022)
  • Přednáška je realizována ve spolupráci s Fakultou výtvarných umění, Vysoké učení technické v Brně
  • O přednášející: prof. Spratt je kurátorkou první výstavy umění umělé intelligence. Více zde

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