RNDr. Iva Sovadinová, Ph.D.
výzkumná pracovnice II – Buněčná a tkáňová toxikologie
korespondenční adresa:
Kotlářská 267/2, 611 37 Brno
kancelář: bud. D29/327
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
telefon: | 549 49 4738 |
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Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- RNDr. Iva Sovadinová, Ph.D.
Born on 17th of November 1977 in Krnov, Czech Republic
- RNDr. Iva Sovadinová, Ph.D.
- Department
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
Kamenice 753/5, pavillion A29
625 00 Brno
Czech Republic
- Employment - Position
- Research and development worker
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2006: Ph.D. in Environmental Chemistry; Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Czech Rep.; theses: "Nuclear receptor mediated-toxicity of xenobiotics" (in English)
- 2006: RNDr. in Ecotoxicology; Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Czech Rep.; theses: "AhR-inducing potencies of aza-PAHs - structure-toxicity relationships" (in Czech)
- 2003: M.Sc. (Summa cum laude) in Ecotoxicology; Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Czech Rep.; theses: "Xenoestrogenic activity of oxy-derivates of PCBs" (in Czech)
- 2000: B.Sc. in Cellular and Molecular Diagnostics; Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Czech Rep.; theses: "Arbovirus research" (in Czech)
- Employment
- Aug 2010-present: Junior Researcher; RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czech Rep.
- Sep 2009-Jun 2010: Visiting Research Associate; Michigan State University, Dept. Pediatrics and Human Development & Food Safety and Toxicology Center, East Lansing, MI, USA
- Aug 2007-July 2009: Posdoctoral Fellow; Department of Biologic & Materials Science, School of Dentistry University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Dec 2006-July 2007: Visiting Research Associate; Michigan State University, Dept. Pediatrics and Human Development & Food Safety and Toxicology Center, East Lansing, MI, USA
- Feb 2010-Dec 2010: Research Assistent; RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czech Rep.
- CAREER BREAKS: Dec 2013-Sep 2015: parental leave; May 2013-Nov 2013: maternity leave; Oct 2011-Apr 2012: maternity leave
- Teaching Activities
- FULL SEMESTER LECTURES (Masaryk University, Faculty of Science):
- Modern methods in Ecotoxicology (in Czech)- Undergraduate optional course in study programs Ecotoxicology, and Environmental Chemistry, Masaryk University
- Basics in Toxicology (in Czech)- Undergraduate optional course in study programs Ecotoxicology, and Environmental Chemistry, Masaryk University
Biomarkers and toxicity mechanisms (in English)- Undergraduate optional course in study programs Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry
SUPERVISION AND MENTORING OF UNDER/GRADUATE STUDENTS: - 2011-present: supervising 2 PhD (2010- and 2015-present), 4 master (2016-present, 2×2012-2013, 1×2011-2012,) and 3 bachelor (1×2016, 1×2011, 1×2010) students majoring in ecotoxicology or biochemistry (MU, Faculty of Science, CZE)
- 2007-2009: mentoring 4 undergraduate students majoring in materials science, neuroscience, chemical engineering or biomedical engineering (Department of Biologic & Materials Science, School of Dentistry, UofM, Ann Arbor, MI, USA) and involved in UROP – Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program
- 2007-2007: mentoring 2 undergraduate students majoring in chemistry and biological sciences (Michigan State University, Dept. Pediatrics and Human Development & Food Safety and Toxicology Center, MSU, East Lansing, MI, USA)
- 2003-2006: mentoring 3 undergraduate students majoring in ecotoxicology and biochemistry (Ecotoxicology, MU, Faculty of Science, CZE)
- FULL SEMESTER LECTURES (Masaryk University, Faculty of Science):
- Scientific and Research Activities
2016-2018: “Gap junctional intercellular communication as a target for endocrine disruptors in testicular cells” (Czech Science Foundation grant No. 16-10775Y) (Principal investigator, budget 164,000 €) - Mar 2011-Apr 2013: “Environmental endocrine disruptors and male fertility: mechanisms and toxic effects” (SoMoPro-2010-RG), funded from the European Community within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no. 229603 and co-financed by the South Moravian Region (Principal investigator, budget 83,000 €) (Project interruption because of maternity leave: Oct 2011-Apr 2012)
- 2011-2013: “Innovation and upgrade of the environmental education at Faculty of Science of Masaryk University” (OPVK 2.2, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0213) (Research team member)
- 2011-2013: EUROECOTOX Network (European Network for Alternative Testing Strategies in Ecotoxicology, funded by the FP7 of the European Commission Environment Programme) (research team member)
- 2006-2007: “Epigenetic toxicity of polyaromatic hydrocarbons” (NIEHS R01ES013268-01A2 (research team member – post doc)
- 2006-2006: “In vitro model for steroidogenesis-disrupting potential of endocrine disruptors” (FRVS TO G4 2366/2006), granted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Rep.) (Principal investigator; budget 5050 €)
- 2003-2005: “Ecotoxicology of persistent organic pollutants” (Czech Science Foundation grant No. GACR 525/03/0367) (research team member)
- Internship
- Sep 2012-Sep 2012: Eawag, Dpt. Environmental Toxicology, Prof. Schirmer's laboratory, Dübendorf, CH
- Jan 2011-Feb 2011: University of Udine, Pathology Department, Prof. Beltrami's laboratory, Udine, IT
- Jan 2005-Dec 2005: Marie Curie doctoral fellowship (EU FP6 Marie Curie Research Training Network, Contract No. HPMT-GH-00-00115-09), Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ), Dpt. Cellular Toxicology, Leipzig, DE
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 2010: Awards to a supervised PhD student – Mgr. Petra Kubincová was awarded in Brno PhD Talent 2010 (Competition for 3-year scholarships in the amount of EUR 4200 € per year)
- 2009: Successful Completion of Journal Biomaterials' Young Scientist Refereeing Programme
2008: The best student awards to mentored undergraduate students:
Adam Bowman at the fifth annual Michigan Undergraduate Research Forum 2008 in Lansing, Michigan with an opportunity to talk to his congressman and discuss the importance of antibiotic resistance in general and our research efforts specifically.
Katherine Gibney at the MACRO symposium 2008
Esha Kummer at the Michigan Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology 2008 - 2006: Travel award at CASCADE Training Course, Tübingen, Germany
- Major Publications
- BABICA, Pavel, Iva SOVADINOVÁ a Brad L. UPHAM. Scrape Loading/Dye Transfer Assay. Online. In Vinken, Mathieu; Johnstone, Scott R. Gap Junction Protocols. New York, USA: Springer New York, 2016, s. 133-144. Methods in Molecular Biology. ISBN 978-1-4939-3664-9. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-3664-9. URL info
- UPHAM, BL, Iva SOVADINOVÁ a Pavel BABICA. Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication: A Functional Biomarker to Assess Adverse Effects of Toxicants and Toxins, and Health Benefits of Natural Products. JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS. CAMBRIDGE: JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, 2016, roč. 2016, č. 118, s. "e54281"-"e54289", 9 s. ISSN 1940-087X. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3791/54281. info
- SOVADINOVÁ, Iva, Pavel BABICA, Hatice BOKE, Esha KUMAR, Andrew WILKE, Joon-Suk PARK, James E. TROSKO a Brad L. UPHAM. Phosphatidylcholine Specific PLC-Induced Dysregulation of Gap Junctions, a Robust Cellular Response to Environmental Toxicants, and Prevention by Resveratrol in a Rat Liver Cell Model. PLOS ONE. SAN FRANCISCO (USA): Public Library of Science, 2015, roč. 10, č. 5, s. "nestránkováno", 16 s. ISSN 1932-6203. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0124454. URL info
- SOVADINOVÁ, Iva, A. LIEDTKE a K. SCHIRMER. Effects of clofibric acid alone and in combination with 17 beta-estradiol on mRNA abundance in primary hepatocytes isolated from rainbow trout. Toxicology in vitro. OXFORD: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2014, roč. 28, č. 6, s. 1106-1116. ISSN 0887-2333. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2014.05.002. URL info
- UPHAM, B., Luděk BLÁHA, Pavel BABICA, J. PARK, Iva SOVADINOVÁ, C. PUDRITH, A.M. RUMMEL, L.M. WEIS, K. SAI, P.K. TITHOF, M. GUZVIC, Jan VONDRÁČEK, Miroslav MACHALA a J. TROSKO. Tumor promoting properties of a cigarette smoke prevalent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as indicated by the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication via phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C. Cancer Science. 2008, roč. 99, č. 1, s. 696-705. ISSN 1347-9032. info