Mgr. Martin Šíra, Ph.D.


Curriculum vitae

Person Identification
  • Martin Šíra
    Born October 21, 1979 in Bohumín, Czech Republic
  • Departement of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno
Employment Position
  • PhD. student
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2003-present: PhD. student
  • 2003: Master of science degree, diploma thesis: Study of plasmochemical processes in the plasma-liquid system generated by means of atmospheric pressure hollow cathode discharge
  • 1997-2003: Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Science, Plasma Physics
  • 1993-1997: Secondary School Fr. Živného, Bohumín, leaving exams: physics, mathematics, czech and german language
  • 1985-1993: Primary School, Bohumín
Pedagogical Activities
  • 2004-2007: laboratory excercises at Masaryk University Brno: Fyzikální praktikum 3, Praktikum z elektroniky
Scientific and Research Activities
  • 2003-present: study of atmospheric pressure glow discharge and it's applications: activation of polymers and deposition of organosilicon thin films
  • 2006-study of coplanar barrier discharge by means of cross corelation spectroscopy
  • 2002: study of dielectric barrier discharge by means of optical emission spectroscopy
  • 1999-2003: study of atmospheric pressure hollow cathode discharge

  • developement of software for communication with various measuring devices
  • developement of electronic circuits with microcontrolers (Michrochip PIC)
Academical Stays
  • 06-07/2006: Hans Moris Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany (in the research group of Prof. H.E. Wagner)
  • 10/2002: Course on Low Temperature Plasma Physics and Applications CLTPP-6, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
  • 10/2001-12/2001: Department of Physics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (in the research group of Prof. C. Wiesemann)
Oral presentations
  • 23.10.2005: Invited lecture at University of Greifswald, Germany: Surface treatment of polymers in atmospheric pressure glow discharge
  • 18.05.2005: Conference of Young Scientists, Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Deposition of Thin Films in Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge
  • 16.06.2004: Week of doctoral students, Prague, Czech Republic: Enhancement of Hydrofilicity of Polymers in Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge
Selected Publications
  • HODER, Tomáš, Martin ŠÍRA, Kirill Vadimov KOZLOV a Hans-Erich WAGNER. Investigation of the Coplanar Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure by Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy. In Book of Abstracts of 16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava: J. Matúška, Š. Matejčík, J.D. Skalný, 2007, s. 103-104. ISBN 80-89186-13-6. info
  • HODER, Tomáš, Martin ŠÍRA, Kirill Vadimov KOZLOV a Hans-Erich WAGNER. The two-dimensional spectroscopic investigation of the development of the coplanar barrier discharge in synthetic air at atmospheric pressure. In Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Praha: J.Schmidt, M. Šimek, S.Pekárek, V.Prukner, 2007, s. 1074-1077. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Daniel FRANTA a David TRUNEC. Deposition and analysis of thin films produced in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. In Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Praha: J.Schmidt, M. Šimek, S.Pekárek, V.Prukner, 2007, s. 713-716. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a David TRUNEC. Deposition of thin films on glass substrate in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. In Book of Contributed Papers of The 3rd Seminar on New Trends in Plasma Physics and Solid State Physics. Bratislava, Slovensko: Library and Publishing Centre in collaboration with Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicists, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007, s. 144-147. ISBN 978-80-89186-24-2. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, David TRUNEC, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL. Surface modification of polycarbonate in homogeneous atmospheric pressure discharge. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics. 2007, roč. 41, č. 1, s. 015205-15211. ISSN 0022-3727. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Petr KLOC a Jan JANČA. Modification of Polymer Surfaces Using Atmospheric Pressure Barrier Discharges. J. Adv. Oxid. Technol. 2006, roč. 9/2006, č. 2, s. 228-231. ISSN 1203-8407. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Antonín BRABLEC, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Martin ŠÍRA a Jan JANČA. Application of Surface Barrier Discharge for deposition of Protective Coatings and Plasma Activation of Surfaces. In 7th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics - Abstracts. 1. vyd. Constanta, Romania: Ovidius University, 2006, s. 102-102. ISBN 978-973-614-314-4. info
  • KLÍMA, Miloš, Pavel SLAVÍČEK, Martin ŠÍRA, Tomáš ČIŽMÁR a Pavel VANĚK. HF plasma pencil and DC diaphragm discharge in liquids - diagnostics and application. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Praha: Academia Praha, 2006, roč. 56, B, s. 1051-1056. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • KLÍMA, Miloš, Milan ČAPOUN, Tomáš ČIŽMÁR, Martin ŠÍRA, Pavel SLAVÍČEK a Vít JAN. Plazmové technologie - moderní metody konzervování-restaurování předmětů kulturního dědictví. In Pokroky v anorganické chemii VI. Brno, Czech Republic: Masarykova univerzita, 2006, s. 1-2. ISBN 80-210-4017-3. info
  • KLOC, Petr, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Antonín BRABLEC, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Martin ŠÍRA a Jan JANČA. Deposition of teflon-like protective layers in surface discharge at atmospheric pressure. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Praha: Academia Praha, 2006, roč. 56, B, s. 1345-1350. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, David TRUNEC, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Daniel FRANTA. Deposition of organic polymers at higher substrate temperatures in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Praha: Academia Praha, 2006, roč. 56, B, s. 1377-1382. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Petr KLOC, Antonín BRABLEC, Martin ŠÍRA a Jan JANČA. Surface barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure used for deposition of protective coatings. In Moderní trendy ve fyzice plazmatu a pevných látek II. 1. vyd. Brno: MU Brno, 2006, s. 193-196. ISBN 80-210-4195-1. info
  • TRUNEC, David, Martin ŠÍRA, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Daniel FRANTA. Deposition of thin films at higher substrate temperatures in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. In 10th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry. Saga, Japan: Saga University, 2006, s. 331-334. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Petr KLOC, Antonín BRABLEC, Martin ŠÍRA a Jan JANČA. Application of surface barrier discharge for deposition of protective coatings at atmospheric pressure. In 10th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry. Saga, Japan: Saga University, 2006, s. 347-350. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, David TRUNEC, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL a Jiří BURŠÍK. Surface modification of polyethylene and polypropylene in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Journal of physics D: Applied physics. Bristol, England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2005, roč. 38, č. 1, s. 621-627. ISSN 0022-3727. info
  • ZLÁMAL, Filip, Martin ŠÍRA, Pavel SŤAHEL a David TRUNEC. Surface Modification of Polycarbonate in Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge. In SAPP 15 - Book of Contributed Papers. Podbanské: Comenius University Press, 2005, s. 267-268. ISBN 80-223-2018-8. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Martin ŠÍRA a Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL. Protective Coatings Deposition on Paper by Atmospheric Pressure Surface barrier Discharge. In SAPP 15 - Book of Contributed Papers. Podbanské: Comenius University Press, 2005, s. 245-246. ISBN 80-223-2018-8. info
  • TRUNEC, David, Martin ŠÍRA, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Filip ZLÁMAL a Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL. Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharges and Their Applications. In SAPP 15 - Book of Contributed Papers. Podbanské: Comenius University Press, 2005, s. 107-108. ISBN 80-223-2018-8. info
  • ZLÁMAL, Filip, Martin ŠÍRA, Pavel SŤAHEL a David TRUNEC. Plasma surface activation of polymer using APGD. In Proc. ISPC 17. 1. vyd. Toronto Kanada: Univerzita Toronto, 2005, s. 728-731. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Jan JANČA a Petr KLOC. Modification of polymer surfaces using atmospheric pressure barrier discharges. In International Conference ELMECO-5 Electromagnetic Devices and Processes for Environment Protection. Lublin Poland: Lublin University of Technology, 2005, s. 10. ISBN 83-89868-23-7. info
  • ČECH, Jan, Pavel SŤAHEL, Martin ŠÍRA, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, David TRUNEC a Antonín BRABLEC. Enhancement of mechanical properties of PP-HMDSO/HMDSZ films by means of thermal annealing. Chemické listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2005, roč. 99, č. 9, s. 444-446. ISSN 0009-2770. info
  • SLAVÍČEK, Pavel, Antonín BRABLEC, Vratislav KAPIČKA, Miloš KLÍMA a Martin ŠÍRA. Longitudinal emission diagnostics of plasma channel in rf barrier torch discharge. Acta Physica Slovaca. Slovakia, 2005, roč. 55, č. 6, s. 573-576. ISSN 0323-0465. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL a David TRUNEC. Plasma treatment of polymers. In Sborník Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav. 1. vyd. Brno: ČSPU, 2005, s. 95-99. ISBN 80-239-6135-7. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Pavel SŤAHEL, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Filip ZLÁMAL a David TRUNEC. Plasma surface activation of polycarbonate using APGD. Chem. Listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2005, roč. 99/2005, č. 99, s. 477-478. ISSN 0009-2770. info
  • ČECH, Jan, Petr KLOC, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ a Jan JANČA. Plasma Modification of Paper by Means of Surface Barrier Discharge. In WDS'05 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part III - Physics (ed. J. Safrankova). Prague: Matfyzpress, 2005, s. 332-336. ISBN 80-86732-59-2. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Jiří VOHÁNKA a David TRUNEC. Activation of polyethylene and polypropylene in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Czech. J. Phys. Praha: Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 54, s. C835-C839, 6 s. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • ČECH, Jan, Pavel SŤAHEL, Martin ŠÍRA, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, David TRUNEC a Antonín BRABLEC. Thermal stability of coatings prepared in atmospheric pressure glow discharge. Czech. J. Phys. Praha: Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 54, s. C872-C876, 5 s. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • NAVRÁTIL, Zdeněk, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Pavel SŤAHEL, Martin ŠÍRA a Pavel ZVĚŘINA. On the analysis of surface free energy of DLC coatings deposited in low pressure RF discharge. Czech. J. Phys. Praha: Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 54, s. C877-C882, 6 s. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, M.L. DELGADO a Jan JANČA. Deposition of teflon like coatings in surface barrier discharge. Czech. J. Phys. Praha: Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences, 2004, roč. 54/2004, Suppl. C, s. 866- 871. ISSN 0011-4626. info
  • JAŠŠO, Michal, Ivan HUDEC, Dušan KOVÁČIK a Martin ŠÍRA. Plasma grafting and polymerization - method for adhesion improvement of polyester cord to rubber. In Nowe kierunki modyfikacji i zastosowań tworzyw sztucnych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2004, s. 14-18. ISBN 83-7143-232-1. info
  • NAVRÁTIL, Zdeněk, Pavel SŤAHEL, Ronny BRANDENBURG, Martin ŠÍRA, David TRUNEC a Hans-Erich WAGNER. Experimental study of APG discharge in N2-H2 and Ne-H2 mixtures. In Proceedings of HAKONE IX. Padova: University of Padova, 2004, s. 1P-01, 7 s. URL info
  • BURŠÍK, Jiří, Pavel SŤAHEL, Martin ŠÍRA a Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ. Plasma treated polymer surfaces studied by SEM and AFM. In Vrstvy a povlaky 2004. 1. vyd. Trenčín: ZTS-MATEC a.s., 2004, s. 95-100. ISBN 80-968337-8-2. info
  • SŤAHEL, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Martin ŠÍRA, Zdeněk NAVRÁTIL, Marcos LEON DELGADO a Jan JANČA. Deposition of Protective Hydrophobic Coatings in Atmospheric Pressure Surface Barrier Discharge. In Proceedings of XV. International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. 1. vyd. Toulouse- France: Université Paul Sabatier, 2004, s. 235-238. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Pavel SŤAHEL, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ, Jiří VOHÁNKA a David TRUNEC. Enhancement of Hydrophilicity of Polymers in Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge. In WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed papers, Part III. Praha: MATFYZPRESS, 2004, s. 523-528. ISBN 80-86732-32-0. info
  • ŠŤASTNÁ, Barbora, Pavel DVOŘÁK, Jan SCHÄFER a Martin ŠÍRA. Rep Mutace. Berlin, 2004, 784 s. info
  • JAŠŠO, Michal, Ivan HUDEC, A IHSSAN, Dušan KOVÁČIK, Martin ŠÍRA a P JANYPKA. Study of Plasma Influence to Adhesion Improvement on Rubber/Textile Cord Interface. In Zborník prednášok 16. ročník medzinárodnej konferencie Slovak Rubber Conference, máj 19-20. Matador Bussines center Púchov, 2004. ISBN 80-8075-020-3. info
  • SLAVÍČEK, Pavel, Antonín BRABLEC, Vratislav KAPIČKA, Miloš KLÍMA a Martin ŠÍRA. Longitudinal emission diagnostics of plasma channel in rf barrier torch discharge. In Proceedings of the XIVth Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. 1. vyd. Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic: IPSAS Bratislava, DPMA Liptovský Mikuláš, 2003, s. 173-174. ISBN 80-8040-195-0. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Miloš KLÍMA, Pavel SLAVÍČEK a Antonín BRABLEC. Electron concentration of barrier torch discharge in liquids. In XV Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Vol I, Contributed Papers. Brno, Czech Republic: Department of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2003, s. 190-192. ISBN 80-214-2307-2. info
  • KLÍMA, Miloš, Pavel SLAVÍČEK a Martin ŠÍRA. Praktická ukázka nového konstrukčního řešení plazmové tužky. In Sborník z konzervátorského a restaurátorského semináře 2003 v Brně. Brno: Technické muzeum, 2003, s. 87-90. ISBN 80-86413-12-8. info
  • ANIKIN, N.B., N.K. BIBINOV, Martin ŠÍRA a K. WIESEMANN. Silent discharges in helium and helium-nitrogen mixtures. In HAKONE VIII International Symposium on High Pressure, Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry. Pühajärve, Estonia: Institute of Experimental Physics and Technology of the University of Tartu, 2002, s. 73-77. ISBN 9985-4-0257-X. info
  • BRABLEC, Antonín, Pavel SLAVÍČEK, Vratislav KAPIČKA, Miloš KLÍMA a Martin ŠÍRA. Optical diagnostics of plasma channel burning at atmospheric presssure. In XIV Symposyum on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno, Czech Republic: FEECS TU Brno, 2001, s. 24-26. ISBN 80-214-1949-0. info
  • KLÍMA, Miloš, Martin ŠÍRA, Vratislav KAPIČKA, Jan JANČA a Pavel SLAVÍČEK. Diagnostics of hf-plasma pencil in liquids. In XIV Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno, Czech Republic: FEECS TU BRNO, 2001, s. 93-96. ISBN 80-214-1949-0. info
  • ŠÍRA, Martin, Miloš KLÍMA, Jan JANČA, Vratislav KAPIČKA a Petr SULOVSKÝ. HF-Plasma Pencil in Liquids. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Praha: Academia Praha, 2000, roč. 50, S3, s. 415-418. ISSN 0011-4626. info


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