RNDr. Iva Gudernová
odborná pracovnice – Biologický ústav
kancelář: bud. A19/312
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
telefon: | 549 49 8406 |
e‑mail: | iva.gudernova@med.muni.cz |
Počet publikací: 15
Fibroblast growth factor receptor influences primary cilium length through an interaction with intestinal cell kinase
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, rok: 2019, ročník: 116, vydání: 10, DOI
Nanodiamonds as "artificial proteins": Regulation of a cell signalling system using low nanomolar solutions of inorganic nanocrystals
Biomaterials, rok: 2018, ročník: 176, vydání: SEP 2018, DOI
Proteomic analyses of signalling complexes associated with receptor tyrosine kinase identify novel members of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 interactome
Cellular Signalling, rok: 2018, ročník: 42, vydání: JAN 2018, DOI
The inositol phosphatase SHIP2 enables sustained ERK activation downstream of FGF receptors by recruiting Src kinases
SCIENCE SIGNALING, rok: 2018, ročník: 11, vydání: 548, DOI
The PTH/PTHrP-SIK3 pathway affects skeletogenesis through altered mTOR signaling
Science Translational Medicine, rok: 2018, ročník: 10, vydání: 459, DOI
ARQ 087 inhibits FGFR signaling and rescues aberrant cell proliferation and differentiation in experimental models of craniosynostoses and chondrodysplasias caused by activating mutations in FGFR1, FGFR2 and FGFR3
Bone, rok: 2017, ročník: 105, vydání: DEC 2017, DOI
Inhibitor repurposing reveals ALK, LTK, FGFR, RET and TRK kinases as the targets of AZD1480
Oncotarget, rok: 2017, ročník: 8, vydání: 65, DOI
One reporter for in-cell activity profiling of majority of protein kinase oncogenes
eLife, rok: 2017, ročník: 6, vydání: "e21536", DOI
Statins do not inhibit the FGFR signaling in chondrocytes
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, rok: 2017, ročník: 25, vydání: 9, DOI
Multikinase activity of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitors SU5402, PD173074, AZD1480, AZD4547 and BGJ398 compromises the use of small chemicals targeting FGFR catalytic activity for therapy of short stature syndromes
Human Molecular Genetics, rok: 2016, ročník: 25, vydání: 1, DOI