Mgr. Jan Voráč, Ph.D.
Počet publikací: 69
Exploring the potential of hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry for ultratrace elemental analysis
Rok: 2024, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Dealing with saturation of the laser‐induced fluorescence signal: An application to lead atoms
Combustion and Flame, rok: 2022, ročník: 241, vydání: July, DOI
Statistical physics of two-temperature rotational energy distributions in stationary plasmas
Physical Review E, rok: 2021, ročník: 103, vydání: 1, DOI
Atomization of lead hydride in a dielectric barrier discharge atomizer: Optimized for atomic absorption spectrometry and studied by laser-induced fluorescence
Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, rok: 2020, ročník: 166, vydání: APR 2020, DOI
Generation of tellurium hydride and its atomization in a dielectric barrier discharge for atomic absorption spectrometry
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, rok: 2020, ročník: 171, vydání: 1, DOI
Deducing rotational quantum-state distributions from overlapping molecular spectra
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, rok: 2019, ročník: 90, vydání: 12, DOI
Electrical analysis and ultra-fast sequential imaging of surface barrier discharge with streamer-leader sequence generated with 100 kHz frequency at the water interface
PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, rok: 2019, ročník: 28, vydání: 9, DOI
Charge transfer equilibrium in surface barrier discharge: continuous current and negative ion-driven ionisation wave
PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, rok: 2019, ročník: 28, vydání: 10, DOI
Laser-induced atomic fluorescence for the development of hydride atomizers and for ultratrace determination of hydride forming elements
Rok: 2019, druh: Konferenční abstrakty
Photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence of ozone: an in situ tool for precise mapping of ozone concentration in non-thermal plasmas
Applied Physics Express, rok: 2019, ročník: 12, vydání: 10, DOI