Mgr. Filip Hroch, Ph.D.
odborný asistent – Ústav teoretické fyziky a astrofyziky
kancelář: pav. 06/03010
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
telefon: | 549 49 4470 |
Počet publikací: 31
Observations of Cataclysmic Variables with INTEGRAL
The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Proceedings of ASP Conference Vol. 330. Edited by J.-M. Hameury and J.-P. Lasota. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005, rok: 2005
Observing with OMC/INTEGRAL
The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, Proceedings of ASP Conference Vol. 330. Edited by J.-M. Hameury and J.-P. Lasota. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005, rok: 2005
Rapid Variations in RS Oph Observed by OMC/INTEGRAL
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, rok: 2004, ročník: 9/2004, vydání: 5562
The WEBT BL Lacertae Campaign 2001 and its extension. Optical light curves and colour analysis 1994-2002
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2004, ročník: 421
The WEBT campaigns on BL Lacertae. Time and cross-correlation analysis of optical and radio light curves 1968-2003
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2004, ročník: 424
OMC: An Optical Monitoring Camera for INTEGRAL. Instrument description and performance
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2003, vydání: 411
Time resolved spectroscopy of GRB 030501 using INTEGRAL
Astronomy and Astrophysics, rok: 2003, vydání: 411
BART, BOOTES and OMC: monitoring of AGNs-blazars
Blazar Monitoring towards the Third Millennium, Proceedings of the OJ-94, Annual Meeting 1999, held in Torino, Italy, May 19-21, 1999,, rok: 1999
Search for correlations between the BeppoSAX and RXTE GRBs locations and historical supernovae
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, v.138, p.473, rok: 1999, ročník: 666, vydání: 666
Searches for possible supernovae - GRBs correlations
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, v.138, p.475-476, rok: 1999, ročník: 666, vydání: 6