prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D.
Počet publikací: 340
European Integration : A Critical Juncture for Czech Politics
Changing Times, Persisting Legacies : The Uneven Development of East-Central Europe since 1989, rok: 2025, počet stran: 21 s.
Where Have All the ‘Exiters’ Gone? Contextualising the Concept of Hard Euroscepticism
Journal of Common Market Studies, rok: 2025, ročník: 63, vydání: 2, DOI
A tale of two memberships : analysing post-2004 official governmental discourse on the EU in Czechia and Slovakia
Journal of Contemporary European Studies, rok: 2024, DOI
Breaching the EU governance by decompression
Journal of European Integration, rok: 2024, ročník: 46, vydání: 3, DOI
Czech political parties and the war in Ukraine : continuity of foreign policy stances
East European Politics, rok: 2024, ročník: 40, vydání: 3, DOI
Emotions of fear and anger as a discursive tool of radical right leaders in Central Eastern Europe
Frontiers in Political Science, rok: 2024, ročník: 6, vydání: June, DOI
Eurosceptic narratives in the age of COVID-19 : the Central European states in focus
East European Politics, rok: 2024, ročník: 40, vydání: 1, DOI
An Unorthodox Euro-federalist : Miloš Zeman’s Changing Discourse on European Integration
Acta Politologica, rok: 2023, ročník: 15, vydání: 3, DOI
Community of Fate? Visegrád Cooperation Viewed from Bratislava and Prague
Europe-Asia Studies, rok: 2023, ročník: 75, vydání: 6, DOI
Exiting the European Union : A New Temptation for East-Central European Hard Eurosceptics
Rok: 2023, druh: Další prezentace na konferencích