prof. MUDr. Marie Kopecká, CSc.
Počet publikací: 103
Papulacandin B: inhibitor of biogenesis of beta-1,3-D-glucan fibrillar component of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts
Folia microbiol., rok: 1984, ročník: 29, vydání: 6
Regeneration of the cell wall of protoplasts of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces versatilis in liquid media and their reversion to cells.
Folia microbiol., rok: 1983, ročník: 28, vydání: 6
The molecular organization of chitin in normal and regenerated walls of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A reconsideration of ultrastructural data.
Cell walls 1981. Proceedings of the Second Cell Wall Meeting Go¨ttingen April 8th-11th 1981. Editors David G. Robinson and Hartmut Quader., rok: 1981
Nature of the nets produced by protoplasts of Schizosaccharomyces pombe during the first stage of wall regeneration in liquid media
J. Gen. Microbiol., rok: 1978, ročník: 108, vydání: OCT
Staining the nuclei in cells and protoplasts of living yeasts, moulds and green algae with the antibiotic lomofungin.
Arch. Microbiol., rok: 1978, ročník: 119, vydání: 3
Assembly of wall polymers during the regeneration of yeast protoplasts.
Microbial and Plant Protoplasts, rok: 1976
Lékařská biologie pro studující stomatologie
Rok: 1976, vydání: Vyd. 1., počet stran: 298 s.
On the nature and formation of the fibrillar nets produced by protoplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in liquid media: an electronmicroscopic, X-ray diffration and chemical study.
J. Gen. Microbiol., rok: 1976, ročník: 92, vydání: 1
The use of antibiotic lomofungin for demonstration of nuclei and chromosomes in live yeast cells and protoplasts
Folia microbiol., rok: 1976, ročník: 21, vydání: 5
The isolation of protoplasts of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces by Trichoderma viridae and snail enzymes.
Folia microbiol., rok: 1975, ročník: 20, vydání: 4