doc. RNDr. Vlastislav Dohnal, Ph.D.
proděkan pro vnější vztahy a spolupráci s partnery Fakulty informatiky
kancelář: B406
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602 00 Brno
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Počet publikací: 74
EuDML Assessment and Evaluation — Final Report: Deliverable 11.4 of project EuDML
Rok: 2013, druh: Účelové publikace
On Combining Sequence Alignment and Feature-quantization for Sub-image Searching
International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management (IJMDEM), rok: 2012, ročník: 3, vydání: 3, DOI
On Investigating Scalability and Robustness in a Self-organizing Retrieval System
Proceedings of CIKM 2011 and the co-located Workshops, rok: 2011
Proximity-based Order-respecting Intersection for Searching in Image Databases
8th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, AMR'2010, rok: 2011
Searching for Sub-images using Sequence Alignment
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2011), rok: 2011
Selected Papers from the 2nd International Workshop on Similarity Search and Applications SISAP 2009
Rok: 2011, druh: Editorství tématického sborníku
Feedback-based Performance Tuning for Self-organizing Multimedia Retrieval Systems
International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2010), rok: 2010
On Building a Self-organizing Search System for Multimedia Retrieval
International Workshop on Multimedia and Semantic Technologies (MUST 2010), rok: 2010
Real-life performance of metric searching
SIGSPATIAL Special, rok: 2010, ročník: 2, vydání: 2
Sub-image Searching Through Intersection of Local Descriptors
3rd International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP 2010), rok: 2010