doc. PhDr. Růžena Lukášová, CSc.
docentka – Katedra veřejné ekonomie
kancelář: 425
Lipová 507/41a
602 00 Brno
telefon: | 549 49 5808 |
e‑mail: |
Počet publikací: 120
Image of the Bank in the Mind of an Individual
Implications for Economic Integration into Wider Europe. Conference Proceedings., rok: 2001
Strategic Aspects of Organizational Culture in Czech Manufacturing Firms: Content Dimensions (results of empirical study)
Kulturowe i organizacyjne uwarunkowania strategii przedsiebiorstw: proceedings of the international conference, rok: 2001
Strategic Aspects of Organizational Culture of Czech Companies
Revista de Economia e Direito, rok: 2001, vydání: special ed
Strategic Aspects of Organizational Culture of Czech Companies
States and Markets: Forging Partnerships for Sustainable Development: proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development (CD-ROM), rok: 2001
The Character of Czech Manufacturing Organizations (Research Results)
Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for Economic Integration into Wider Europe: proceedings of the ninth annual international conference, rok: 2001
Corporate Culture as the Factor Influencing the Quality
Competitiveness and Quality Management Problems: proceedings of the international conference, rok: 2000
Image firmy: současné přístupy
Zprávy - Psychologický ústav AV ČR, rok: 2000, ročník: 6, vydání: 3
Kvalita uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce - otázka náhody, osobnosti, či zúročení studijního úsilí?
Personál, rok: 2000, ročník: 6, vydání: 5
Research of Strategic Aspects of Corporate Culture in the Czech Firms
Ewolucja pracy kierowniczej w warunkach integracji europejskiej: proceedings of the international conference, rok: 2000
Employability of Graduates from the Business and Management Faculty of the Brno University of Technology
Progress Through Partnership: Strenthening Alliances: proceedings of the international conference on engineering education (CD-ROM), rok: 1999