Mgr. Peter Maňo, M.A., Ph.D.
výzkumník II – Laboratoř pro experimentální výzkum náboženství
korespondenční adresa:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
e‑mail: | peter.mano@phil.muni.cz |
sociální a akademické sítě: |
Curriculum vitae
- Name, first names, scientific degrees
- Peter Maňo, M.A., 11.05.1987, Bratislava, Slovensko
- Department/Faculty/University
- Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department for the Study of Religions, Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
- Comenius University, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Mlynské luhy 4, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovakia
- Function, current position
- full-time Ph.D. student; LEVYNA research fellow
- Education and academic qualifications
- 2012: Master studies, Cognition and Culture, M.A., "Does the Moral Intuition of Compensation Lead to Agency Detection?", School of History and Anthropology, Queens University Belfast
- 2010: Bachelor studies, Sociálna Antropológia, Bc., "Youth Mate Preferences: Testing the Theories of Sexual and Cultural Selection", Fakulty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University
- 2009: Undergraduate Certificate,Anthropology, School of Law and Social Sciences, University of East London
- Professional experience & Professional development
- 2013 - : Research Fellow,LEVYNA - Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion, FF MU, Brno
- 2011 - 2012: Research Assistant, Institute of Cognition and Culture, School of History and Anthropology, Queen's University Belfast
- 2014: Morality: Evolutionary Origins and Cognitive Mechanisms - Summer University at CEU, Budapest
- 2012: Experimental Methods in the Study of Cognition and Culture - Aarhus Summer University
- Teaching activities
- 2014 Comenius University - "Anthropology of religion"
- 2013 Comenius University - "Field data analysis"
- Research activities
- 2013/2014: Mauritian Laboratory for Experimental Anthropology (MALEXA) research fellow; ethnographic fieldwork & experimental work in Mauritius, Pointe aux Piments and Quatre Bornes
- www.experimentalanthropology.com
- Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
- 2018/07/01 – 2018/07/28: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Freemover, USA
- Designing studies with the team and preparation of materials for data collection; training and management of research assistants and team members; qualitative and quantitative data collection in the field – this will include surveys, interviews, visual, and experimental data; data entry, storage and processing on site; working on publishing the findings in international scientific journals; preparation of international grant proposals in collaboration with local research institutions
- 2017/09/04 – 2018/06/30: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Freemover, USA
- Experimentálny antropologický výskum a prax v Experimental Anthropology Lab, University of Connecticut (zahŕňa aj prácu na grantových aplikáciách, publikáciách, účasť na konferenciách..).
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2016/10/03 – 2017/05/15: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Freemover, USA
- Experimentálny antropologický výskum a prax v Experimental Anthropology Lab, University of Connecticut.
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2016/07/04 – 2016/07/29: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Other programs, USA
- Terénny výskum a prax v Maurícijskom laboratóriu experimentálnej antropológie, University of Connecticut.
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2015/09/14 – 2015/12/21: University of Mauritius, Moka, Freemover, MUS
- Výskumný pobyt na University of Mauritius.
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2015/07/13 – 2015/07/31: Aarhus University, Aarhus, Summer School, DNK
- Účasť na letnej škole "Ethnographic field school" organizovanej Univerzitou Aarhus na Mauríciuse.
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2014/09/15 – 2015/02/15: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Freemover, USA
- Pobyt na Mauríciu bude predstavovať ťažiskovú časť môjho doktorandského projektu, keďže tam budem vykonávať terénny výskum. Tento výskum bude prebiehať v spolupráci s Dimitrisom Xygalatasom z University of Connecticut, ktorý je riaditeľom laboratória experimentálnej antropológie na Mauríciu. Toto laboratórium mi poskytne materiálne aj ľudské zdroje na vykonávanie výskumu a zabezpečí mi tak stabilné vedecké zázemie.Samotný výskum sa bude týkať náboženských rituálov v komunite Marathi hinduistov a bude testovať evolučný model rituálu ako nákladnej signalizácie v skupine.
- EE2.3.20.0048
- 2018/07/01 – 2018/07/28: University of Connecticut, Storrs, Freemover, USA
- Other academic activities, research projects, grants & workshops
- 2014 Comenius University Chancellor's "Young Researchers' Grant"
- 2011 Comenius University Academic Achievement Scholarship
- 2009 Comenius University Academic Achievement Scholarship
- 01.-02.11.2013 Perspectives on the Scientific Study of Religion: The Search for Evidence, Round table discussion with prof. Robert N. McCauley and Dr. Cristine H. Legare at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno.
- 21.-23.03.2013 The Future of Higher Education and the Changing Face of Research in the Modern World, LEVYNA workshop in Telč.
- 10.-15.12.2012 Maňo, P. Belief in immanent justice: Does the moral intuition of compensation elicit agency detection? In Culture, Communication & Cognition, 1st Philosophy of Language and Mind Masterclass with Prof. Dan Sperber at the Institut Jean Nicod, Paris. (talk)
- 08.-09.11.2012 Maňo, P. Medzikultúrny výskum morálnych a náboženských intuícií In Metodologické problémy v etnografickom výskume sociálnych reprezentácií, konferencia na Ústave etnológie SAV, Bratislava. (prednáška)
- 25.-27.10.2012 Maňo, P. Belief in immanent justice: Does the moral intuition of compensation elicit agency detection? In Homo Experimentalis: Experimental Approaches to the Study of Religion, Cognitive Science of Religion conference, Brno. (poster session)
- 12.-16.06.2012 Maňo, P. Morality a sense of fairness. In The Evolution of Morality, International interdisciplinary workshop at the Forum Scientarum with Prof. Frans de Waal and Prof. Gerhard Ernst at the University of Tubingen. (talk)
- Major publications
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios a Peter MAŇO. Socioeconomic Variation in Motivations for Ritual Practice. Religions. Basel: MDPI, 2024, roč. 15, č. 12, s. 1-13. ISSN 2077-1444. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/rel15121562. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Dealing with uncertainty : strategies and contexts. In Cultural Evolution Society Conference, 9th-11th September 2024, Durham University, UK. 2024. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Radek KUNDT a Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ. Rituály ako nákladné signály partnerskej kvality. In 51. konferencia České a slovenské etologické společnosti - Sympózium z etologie člověka, 21. - 24. 11. 2024, ČR. 2024. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Ritual exegesis among Mauritian Hindus - how growing ritual costs expand the volume and range of emic explanations. In Religion and Mind, Interdisciplinary Academic Conference, Institute for The Study of Religions, Jagiellonian University, 25 - 27 May 2023, Kraków, Poland. 2023. 2023. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Ancient rituals in modern Mauritius : how transforming ritual form tackles life’s uncertainties. In SIEF2023 16th Congress, 7-10 June 2023, Brno, Czech Republic. 2023. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Radu Umbreș : Living with Distrust. Morality and Cooperation in a Romanian Village. Slovak Ethnology. 2023, roč. 71, č. 3, s. 307-309. ISSN 1339-9357. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.31577/SN.2023.3.30. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Ritual exegesis among Mauritian Hindus. In Assessing the study of religious change in Central-Eastern Europe: New fields in the study of religious change in Central-Eastern Europe. 2023. URL info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitris a Peter MAŇO. Ritual exegesis among Mauritian Hindus. Religion. Taylor & Francis Online, 2022, roč. 52, č. 3, s. 429-449. ISSN 0048-721X. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0048721X.2022.2042418. URL info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Peter MAŇO, Radek KUNDT a Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ. Rituals as signals of mate quality. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, roč. 3, č. 100048, s. 1-8. ISSN 2666-6227. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cresp.2022.100048. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter a Dimitris XYGALATAS. Ritual costs, efficacy and exegesis among Hindu Mauritians. In 8th biennial meeting of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2022 Aarhus University, 19-21 September 2022, Aarhus, Denmark. 2022. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter a Dimitris XYGALATAS. The WEIRD language of surveys. In Cultural Evolution Society bi-annual conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 21-23 September 2022. 2022. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter a Dimitris XYGALATAS. Ritual form and ritual choice among Hindu Mauritians. In Rituals Between Mind and Society 4-5 November 2021, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia. 2021. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Vladimír Bahna, Nadprirodzené skúsenosti a naratívna myseľ – Sociálna nákazlivosť spomienok. Slovak Ethnology. Ústav etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2020, roč. 68, č. 2, s. 188-190. ISSN 1335-1303. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Evolučné a kognitívne štúdium náboženstva : Nákladné rituály, status, atraktivita a náboženská motivácia na Mauríciu. In Evoluce lidské psychiky, chování a kultury v interdisciplinární perspektivě, Brno, 6. -7. 2. 2019. 2019. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Experiments in the field : Religious signaling and mate choice in Mauritius. In Methodology, Ethics, Writing and Visions in Ethnology and Social Anthropology Conference. 2019. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Effects of Kavadi ritual on mate attractiveness. In 6th PTNCE Prague 2019. 2019. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Naturalismus a protekcionismus ve studiu náboženství, Juraj Franek. Slovak Ethnology. Ústav etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2019, roč. 67, č. 4, s. 465-468. ISSN 1335-1303. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Antropológia rituálu na Mauríciu : Prečo podstupujeme obradné utrpenie? (Týždeň vedy a techniky). 2019. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Antropológia rituálu na Mauríciu (Európska noc výskumníkov - Lab.cafe). 2019. URL info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Radek KUNDT, Jakub CIGÁN, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ a Martin LANG. Big Gods in small places : the Random Allocation Game in Mauritius. Religion, Brain & Behavior. Routledge, 2018, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 243-261. ISSN 2153-599X. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2153599X.2016.1267033. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. "Contemporary Evolutionary Theories of Culture and the Study of Religion", by Radek Kundt. Journal of Cognitive Historiography. Equinox, 2018, roč. 3, 1-2, s. 222-226. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1558/jch.34140. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter, Xygalatas DIMITRIS, Shaver JOHN H. a Bahna VLADIMÍR. The impact of socio-economic status on the nature of religious ritual participation. In Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual convention, Atlanta 2018. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter, Dimitris XYGALATAS a John SHAVER H. Socio-economic factors involved in participation in extreme rituals. In Future Directions on the Evolution of Rituals, Beliefs and Religious Minds; Erice, Italy. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Breaking the Wall of Intolerance. In Falling Walls Lab, Slovakia. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Socio-ekonomické faktory ovplyvňujúce participáciu na extrémnych rituáloch. In Olomoucká religionistická konference, 3. ročník: NÁBOŽENSKÝ RITUÁL V INTERDICIPLINÁRNÍ PERSPEKTIVĚ. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Ritual signaling as an adaptation strategy of marginalized groups: A case study from Mauritius. In Biennial Conference SASA – CASA, Bratislava. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter a Xygalatas DIMITRIS. Ritual signaling as an adaptation- and status management strategy in a Tamil-Hindu religious group in Mauritius. In Cultural Evolution Society Conference. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Bolestivé rituály na ostrove Maurícius: Náboženstvo a sociálny status. In Antropologické potulky svetom ľudských kultúr - Prednáškový cyklus Univerzitnej knižnice v Bratislave. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Bolestivé rituály, alebo ako si zvýšiť status na Mauríciu. In Horizonty teatrologie - Cyklus prednášok Katedry divadelních studií FF MU. 2018. info
- MAŇO, Peter. "Ritual Gone Wrong: What We Learn from Ritual Disruption", by Kathryn T. McClymond. Religion. Taylor & Francis Online, 2017, roč. 48, č. 1, s. 175-178. ISSN 0048-721X. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0048721X.2017.1294902. URL info
- KUNDT, Radek, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Jan HORSKÝ, Martin LANG, Jakub CIGÁN, Monika BYSTROŇOVÁ, Jan KRÁTKÝ a Benjamin G. PURZYCKI. Moral foundations and religious prosociality in Mauritius. In The evolution of religion II: How Biology, Psychology and Culture Interact. 2017. info
- BARANOWSKI PINTO, Gabriela, Peter MAŇO, Vitor LEONARDO DA SILVA PROFETA a Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Dynamics of Fan’s Experience during Basketball Games. In 29th Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Boston. 2017. info
- MAŇO, Peter, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Michaela PORUBANOVÁ, John Hayward SHAVER a Jan KRÁTKÝ. The Effect of Ritual Cue Intensity on Perceived Attractiveness. In 29th Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Boston. 2017. info
- MAŇO, Peter, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Michaela PORUBANOVÁ, John Hayward SHAVER a Jan KRÁTKÝ. Does ritual intensity affect attractiveness assessments? In The Cognition of Belief conference, Washington D.C. 2017. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Rituals as costly signals: Does ritual intensity affect participants‘ attractiveness? A field study from Mauritius. In Doktorandská konference Sociologie a příbuzných společenských věd, Univerzita Karlova. 2016. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Náboženstvo a prosocialita: Experimentálna evidencia z ostrova Maurícius. In NETIKA 2016 - Naturalizovaná etika, Masarykova Univerzita. 2016. info
- MAŇO, Peter, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Michaela PORUBANOVÁ, John Hayward SHAVER a Jan KRÁTKÝ. The effect of religious ritual cue intensity on perceived attractiveness. In International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR) Conference 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 22-24 August 2016. 2016. info
- XYGALATAS, Dimitrios, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Jakub CIGÁN, Radek KUNDT, Peter MAŇO, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT a Martin KANOVSKÝ. Location, location, location : Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. Hillsdale: Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, roč. 26, č. 4, s. 304-319. ISSN 1050-8619. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10508619.2015.1097287. URL info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT, Martin KANOVSKÝ a Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Experimental study of prosocial behavior in cross-religious settings on Mauritius. In XXI Quinquennial World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), Erfurt, 23-29 August 2015. 2015. info
- KUNDT, Radek, Dimitrios XYGALATAS, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Jakub CIGÁN, Peter MAŇO, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT a Panagiotis MITKIDIS. Other people's gods are watching too: Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour. In "Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years" 5th biennial IACSR meeting and General Assembly, 20–22 June 2014, Brno, Czech Republic. 2014. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Ritual and social networks: Measuring the costs and benefits of religious ritual in Mauritius. In "Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years" 5th biennial IACSR meeting and General Assembly, 20–22 June 2014, Brno, Czech Republic. 2014. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Experimentálna antropológia na Mauríciu: Meranie nákladnosti extrémneho náboženského rituálu. In "Experimenty v teréne a etnografia: Metodologické prístupy" Študentská konferencia na Ústave etnológie SAV, 16. – 17. 6. 2014 , Bratislava, Slovensko. 2014. info
- CIGÁN, Jakub, Silvie KOTHEROVÁ, Radek KUNDT, Eva KUNDTOVÁ KLOCOVÁ, Peter MAŇO, Panagiotis MITKIDIS, Sebastian Ernst WALLOT a Dimitrios XYGALATAS. Be(a)ware of their gods: Effects of cross-religious contextual primes on prosocial behavior among Mauritian Catholics. In The Third International Krakow Study of Religions Symposium Religions: fields of research, method and perspectives, Krakow, 27-29 October 2014. 2014. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Rituály ako nákladné signály: Experimentálna antropológia a jej využitie pri zbere dát na Mauríciu. Speculum. Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia sociálnej antropológie, 2014, roč. 6, č. 3, s. 22-33. ISSN 1337-9461. URL info
- JEROTIJEVIĆ, Danijela a Peter MAŇO. Rituál a mysl: kognitivní a evoluční teórie rituálu. Pantheon : religionistický časopis. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014, roč. 9, č. 1, s. 139-166. ISSN 1803-2443. info
- MAŇO, Peter. Správa o workshope LEVYNA "Perspectives on the study of religion: the search for evidence". In Speculum. Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia sociálnej antropológie, 2013. URL info
- MAŇO, Peter. Správa o výskumnom pobyte na Mauríciu. In Speculum. Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia sociálnej antropológie, 2013. URL info