doc. Ing. Ondřej Krčál, Ph.D.
vedoucí katedry – Katedra ekonomie
kancelář: 525
Lipová 507/41a
602 00 Brno
telefon: | 549 49 6332 |
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Počet publikací: 69
An Explanation of the Inverted-U Relationship between Profitability and Innovation
Rok: 2014, vydání: 1. vyd., počet stran: 160 s.
Comparing Competition and Regulated Monopoly in a Railway Market: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research, rok: 2014
Finding Equilibrium in a Monopoly Passenger Railway Market: A Comparison of Agent-Based Simulations with Theoretical Predictions
Hradec Economic Days 2014, rok: 2014
Finding optimum fares and timetables in a monopoly rail market with heterogeneous passengers
32nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Eocnomics Conference Proceedings, rok: 2014
The Relationship Between Profitability, Innovation and Technology Gap: A Basic Model
Národohospodářský obzor – Review of Economic Perspectives, rok: 2014, ročník: 14, vydání: 3, DOI
Explaining the differences in on-trade prices of beer in Europe
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2013, rok: 2013
Modely a metody regulace konkurenčního prostředí na trhu železničních dopravních služeb.
Rok: 2013, vydání: 1. vyd., počet stran: 243 s.
Pay-to-Bid Auctions: Evidence from Czech Data
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2013, rok: 2013
An agent-based model of price flexing by chain-store retailers
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2012, rok: 2012
Agent-Based Model of an Urban Retail Market
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011, rok: 2011