Centrum pro výzkum neziskového sektoru
adresa: | Lipová 507/41a, 602 00 Brno |
e-mail: | cvns@econ.muni.cz |
Počet publikací: 22
Assessment of the burden on population due to transport-related air pollution: The Czech core motorway network
Journal of Cleaner Production, rok: 2020, ročník: 275, vydání: December, DOI
Emerging Topics on Inter-municipal Cooperation in the Czech Republic: Policy Networking, Regionalization and Financial Indicators
Lex Localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, rok: 2020, ročník: 18, vydání: 3, DOI
Evaluation of the effectiveness of high-speed rail projects in the Czech Republic in terms of their integration potential
GeoScape, rok: 2020, ročník: 14, vydání: 1, DOI
The Transparency of Czech Foundations
NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy: the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe, rok: 2020, ročník: 13, vydání: 1, DOI
Odborné knihy
Efektivní řízení neziskových organizací poskytujících sociální služby
Rok: 2020, počet stran: 174 s.
Články ve sbornících
Common transport policy of European Union and construction of high-speed rail in the Czech|Republic
Proceedings of 5th International conference on European integration, rok: 2020
Health Technology Assessment
2nd Scientific Conference on Economics of Digital Transformation - Smart Governments, Regions and Cities, rok: 2020
Health Technology Assessment. Literature Review.
Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Proceedings of the24thInternational Conference, rok: 2020
Macro-evaluations contribution to greater accountability of policy impacts assessments in Europe (EU member states administrations overview and practice)
Smart Governments, Regions and Cities, rok: 2020
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY, rok: 2020