Ústav filmu a audiovizuální kultury
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Počet publikací: 6
Negotiating Organizational Cultures. The Evolution of the VOD Platform Implementation in Czech Public Service Television
Iluminace, rok: 2024, DOI
Trust and Political Attitudes of Public Service Media Audiences in a Polarized Society : The Case of Czech Television
Problems of Post-Communism, rok: 2024, DOI
Kapitoly v knihách
Cinema-going in German-occupied Territory in the Second World War. The Impact of Film Market Regulations on Supply and Demand in Brno, Brussels, Krakow and The Hague
The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories, rok: 2024, počet stran: 25 s.
Charms and Whispers. Musical Comedy and Vocal Performance in Oldřich Nový's Star Image.
The Routledge Companion to Global Film Music in the Early Sound Era, rok: 2024, počet stran: 11 s.
Populist Rhapsody: Struggle for trust in Czech public service media in a fragmented media environment
The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies, rok: 2024, počet stran: 9 s.
Odborné knihy
Lidé - práce - animace. Světy animovaného filmu na Kudlově
Rok: 2024, počet stran: 400 s.