Intellectual Property Law

Doktorské studium v prezenční nebo kombinované formě v anglickém jazyce.

Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově. Studium je zpoplatněno částkou 25 000 Kč za akademický rok.

Co se naučíte

The Intellectual Property Law programme is comprehensive and covering a variety of areas of professional activities in the field of law, business or administration. The aim is to give the doctoral students an extensive offer of courses to help them study their preferred area(s) of interest, as broad and deep as possible.

„Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom.“

The programme is based on common philosophic and methodologic grounds, whereas legal pragmatism provides for core methodology and information philosophy serves as substantive philosophical fundament. On this basis, there are developed relatively independent courses in main areas of intellectual property law that should provide for complex understanding of dominant regulatory phenomena of Intellectual Property law – namely copyrights, patents, trademarks and designs.

„The intellectual property law doctoral program has provided me with what I can only characterize as the ability to grow, both personally and academically, under the supervision of legal professionals and respected scholars, who are approachable and considerate. Courses in the program keep me up to date with current development in the field while at the same time providing a solid foundation upon which my education will be built during the upcoming years. The English language focus of the program will undoubtedly help me to reach an international audience via my research and publications.“

Mgr. Marián Jankovič, LL.M. Mgr. Marián Jankovič, LL.M.
student programu Intellectual Property Law


Practical training is not envisaged as explicit part of this programme.

It is very likely that students of this programme will have actual practice in intellectual property law during their studies.

Chcete vědět víc?

Uplatnění absolventů

Intellectual property law is a well-established area of legal practice. Thus, it is likely that graduates of this doctoral programme will mostly aim at high-profile positions namely in professional legal service (soliciting or in-house practice) in national or multinational commercial establishment as well as in the specific administrative bodies dealing with the intellectual property law related issued (Industrial Property Office).

Nevertheless, there is a significant academic and scientific agenda in this field as well, so it is the primary aim of the programme to generate fully qualified academics and researchers and motivate them to engage in further academic work in the field of intellectual property law.

The study programme of Intellectual Property Law does not (cannot) replace professional preparation for regulated occupations (patent attorney, attorney-at-law, notary, judge etc.).

Podmínky přijetí

Údaje z předchozího přijímacího řízení (přihlášky 1. 2. – 15. 5. 2024)

Přijímací zkouška se koná v jednom dni v období mezi 3. 6. – 7. 6. 2024. Uchazeč je o termínu přijímací zkoušky vyrozuměn e-mailem alespoň 7 dnů předem.

Kritéria hodnocení

Kritéria a součásti přijímací zkoušky jsou uvedeny ve Vyhlášených podmínkách přijímacího řízení

Informace o studiu

Zajišťuje Právnická fakulta
Typ studia doktorský
Forma prezenční ano
kombinovaná ano
distanční ne
Možnosti studia jednooborově ano
jednooborově se specializací ne
v kombinaci s jiným programem ne
Doba studia 4 roky
Vyučovací jazyk angličtina
Oborová rada a oborové komise
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok
25 000 Kč
Více informací

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