Informace o projektu
JOI.CON: Joint Degree Management – Conferences and Training (JOI.CON)

Kód projektu
Období řešení
10/2011 - 9/2012
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Evropská unie
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Centrum zahraniční spolupráce
Klíčová slova
společné studijní programy, joint degree, double degree, multiply degree
Spolupracující organizace
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Universität Leipzig
Universita di Bologna
Lunds Universitet
Universitetet i Bergen

The implementation of the Bologna Process is well-advanced at most European universities. Yet the adjustments of degree formats in order to form a new European Higher Education Area with minimal educational boarders triggered new questions. The European call for knowledge transfer, competitiveness, and smart mobility calls for a systematic implementation of joint degree programmes. While double degrees still are a successful format and a “safe” option for bilateral programs especially, the growing amount of multinational consortia and the successful implementation on a European labour market demands the additional usage of the joint degree as a yet innovative format. Alongside joint curriculum development this task comprises joint certificates to be recognised throughout Europe. The deeply committed participation of European HEIs in the Erasmus Mundus program proves the stakeholder’s interest and is the first step that has been taken to reach that aim.

Through JOIMAN, a LLP-funded network, two basic needs of European HEIs were diagnosed. Firstly, there is a high demand for more information on the management of joint degree programs. Secondly, there is a severe lack of practical approaches to deal with challenges connected to the set-up and running of such a joint program. To meet both needs, JOI.CON will firstly disseminate the existing results of JOIMAN on an in-depth level the network could not provide. Secondly, JOI.CON will conceptualise a degree simulation, a role play, to enable present and future coordinators to actually experience challenges connected to joint degrees in a kind of “safe” laboratory situation. Participants of the 5-month simulation will become multipliers of their knowledge gained within their working environment and as part of the JOIMAN network still alive through the homepage A published report will make the results available to all stakeholders.

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