Informace o projektu
Společné laboratoře pro aplikovanou fyziku plazmatu a plazmovou chemii na PřF a PedF MU, VA v Brně a ÚFP AV ČR v Praze
- Kód projektu
- VS96084
- Období řešení
- 7/1996 - 12/2000
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
- Posílení výzkumu na vysokých školách
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Přírodovědecká fakulta
- prof. RNDr. Jan Janča, DrSc.
The goal of the project is to create joint laboratories which will permit young scientific staff of Fac. of Sciences, MU, Fac. of Pedagogy, MU, Military Academy and Institute of Plasma Physics of AS to participate in the research (collaboration since 199) supported by three grants of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.The research will be focused on studies of kinetics of plasmachemicalreactions and processes, mainly those involved during deposition of thin films (layers of hard and superhard materials,optically transparent oxinitride and oxicarbide layers, ceramic and polymeric layers based on organometals). The inherent part of the research will be the determination of electrical, mechanical and optical properties of these materials. New means ofignition of very poor mixtures in combustion engines using high-pressure gliding discharge will be developed. Research and development of new plasmachemical devices and technologies, capable of removal of highly toxic wastes, produced by the Army.
Počet publikací: 55
Additional microwave diagnostics of afterglow with ESR spectrometer
Microwave discharges: fundamentals and applications, rok: 2001, počet stran: 6 s.
Analysis of inhomogeneous thin films of ZrO2 by the combined optical method and atomic force microscopy
Surface and Interface Analysis, rok: 2001, ročník: 32, vydání: 1
Determination of rate constant of N+HMDSZ gas phase chemical reaction by means of EPR
SAPP 13th Symposium Proceedings, rok: 2001
Determination of Thicknesses and Spectral Dependences of Refractive Indices of Non-Absorbing and Weakly Absorbing Thin Films Using the Wavelengths Related to Extrema in Spectral Reflectances
Vacuum, rok: 2001, ročník: 61, vydání: 1
Modification of Plasma Deposited DLC Films by Hexamethyldisiloxane Addition
Proceedings of 13th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes, rok: 2001
Optical diagnostics of inductively coupled RF discharge
SAPP 13th Symposium Proceedings, rok: 2001
Optical Characterization of Diamond-like Carbon Films
Vacuum, rok: 2001, ročník: 61, vydání: 2-4
Optical characterization of nonabsorbing and weakly absorbing thin films with the wavelengths related to extrema in spectral reflectances
Applied Optics, rok: 2001, ročník: 40, vydání: 31
Plasma modification of polycarbonates
Surface & coatings technology, rok: 2001, ročník: 2001, vydání: 142-144
Study of hydrocarbons decomposition in microwave discharge and mass spectrometry of radiofrequency discharges in liquids
SAPP 13th Symposium Proceedings, rok: 2001