Informace o projektu
Vládnutí, sociální investice a sociální inovace v oblasti sociálních služeb denní péče v České republice a Norsku

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Kód projektu
Období řešení
10/2014 - 4/2017
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Fakulta sociálních studií
WWW stránky projektu
Spolupracující organizace

Child and elderly care policies are becoming central issue in the contemporary welfare states in the context of ageing, ‚new social risks‘, employment targets and gender equality. They represent one of the central elements of the EU Social Investment Package.
In the (post)crisis development in the EU countries, we however observe conflicting impacts of fiscal consolidation in many countries on the one hand and increasing needs of care policies on the other.
The main objective is therefore to explore and explain differences and similarities of the key stakeholders´ discourses and strategies in caring policies within the existing constrains and limitations in a broader framework of changes in the labour market, welfare state and also in the economic/business cycle.
Research questions:

  • What are the different the discourses of the key stakeholders in child/elderly care policies? What are their strategies in providing/using caring policies? To what extent do their discourses and strategies diverge or coincide/overlap?
  • How can the divergence/convergence in the discourses and strategies of the key stakeholders be explained in the different national contexts ?


Počet publikací: 18

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