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Informace o projektu
National research infrastructure for biological and medical imaging
- Kód projektu
- LM2015062
- Období řešení
- 1/2016 - 12/2019
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR
- Velké infrastruktury pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
- Středoevropský technologický institut
- Další fakulta/pracoviště MU
- Fakulta informatiky
- Spolupracující organizace
Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, v. v. i.
Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR, v. v. i.
- Odpovědná osoba Prof. Pavel Hozák, Ph.D.
Univerzita Karlova
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Biologické centrum AV ČR, v. v. i.
The national research infrastructure for biological and medical imaging is built as a distributed infrastructure of leading imaging facilities in the Czech Republic. The infrastructure will assure open access to a wide range of imaging technologies and expertise to all scientists in the Czech Republic. The national imaging infrastructure is closely interlinked with the Czech Republic participation in the ESFRI large pan-European research infrastructure Euro-BioImaging. The backbone of the national infrastructure create two future Euro-BioImaging nodes (“Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy Multi Modal Multi Sited Node” composed of the Institute of Molecular Genetics Academy of Sciences, the Charles University, BioCeV , the Institute of Physiology of the Academy of Sciences and “Advanced Light Microscopy and Medical Imaging Multi Modal Multi Sited Node” composed of the Masaryk University Brno, CEITEC, the Institute of Experimental Botany and the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences). These institutions are complemented by the imaging facilities of the Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Palacky University which possess unique imaging technologies and expertise in the context of the Czech Republic.
The national imaging infrastructure will provide Czech scientists with a permanent access to the cutting edge imaging technologies, which are not available in their own institutions. The infrastructure will support mutual cooperation of the scientists and sharing of best practices and knowledge, which contributes to the higher competitiveness of the Czech research. Special training programmes will help in increasing the qualification of scientists in biological and medical imaging, whose knowledge is a key pre-requisite for any research activity in biomedical sciences.
Počet publikací: 118
Educational course: Neuroimaging
Rok: 2018, druh: Popularizační texty
Evaluation of the Stability of DNA i-Motifs in the Nuclei of Living Mammalian Cells
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, rok: 2018, ročník: 57, vydání: 8, DOI
From Cell Counting to Tissue Imaging: Tools and Tech by Logos Biosystems
Rok: 2018, druh: Uspořádání workshopu
Generation of a Close-to-Native In Vitro System to Study Lung Cells-Extracellular Matrix Crosstalk
TISSUE ENGINEERING PART C-METHODS, rok: 2018, ročník: 24, vydání: 1, DOI
Generation of human iPSCs from human prostate cancer-associated fibroblasts IBPi002-A
Stem Cell Research, rok: 2018, ročník: 33, vydání: DEC 2018, DOI
Hippocampal involvement in nonpathological deja vu: Subfield vulnerability rather than temporal lobe epilepsy equivalent
Brain and Behavior, rok: 2018, ročník: 8, vydání: 7, DOI
Holographic and Tomographic Label Free Microscopy Workshop
Rok: 2018, druh: Uspořádání workshopu
Influence of k-space trajectory corrections on proton density mapping with ultrashort echo time imaging: Application for imaging of short T2 components in white matter
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, rok: 2018, ročník: 51, vydání: SEP, DOI
Intensive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation changes EEG microstates in schizophrenia: A pilot study
Schizophrenia Research, rok: 2018, ročník: 193, vydání: MAR, DOI
Introduction to fluorescence microscopy: from sample preparation to image acquisition
Rok: 2018, druh: Uspořádání workshopu