Informace o projektu
Bronze Age metals: Metallographic and Isotope Analyses of Bronze Artefacts from Bohemia, Moravia and SW Slovakia
- Kód projektu
- MUNI/IGA/1432/2020
- Období řešení
- 1/2021 - 12/2021
- Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Masarykova univerzita
- Interní grantová agentura MU
- Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
- Filozofická fakulta
This project deals with the use of modern metallographic approaches on Bronze Age metal artefacts. They are analyzed for their mechanical properties, metallurgy and provenance. The application of these analytical methods on a sample of data from our territory will complement the international research data network. While working on this project, I aim to gain practice and knowledge in the field of archaeometallurgy, so I would be able to participate in research projects on international level.
Počet publikací: 3
Sword-fighting in Bronze Age Europe : Assessing the use of bronze swords from Bohemia and Moravia
Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports, rok: 2024, ročník: 58, vydání: August 2024, DOI
Po stopách souboje s meči v době bronzové
Meč a člověk, rok: 2023, počet stran: 7 s.
Bronze Age metal: Metallographic and Isotope analyses of bronze weapons from Bohemia, Moravia and SW Slovakia
Rok: 2021, druh: Další prezentace na konferencích