Informace o projektu
Diffusion of Trust in News on Social Network Sites (DTSNS)

Kód projektu
Období řešení
1/2021 - 12/2021
Investor / Programový rámec / typ projektu
Masarykova univerzita
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU
Fakulta sociálních studií

The proposed project aims to bring experimental evidence revealing the nature of the interrelation of different levels of trust and its impact on perceived trust in news communicate (news article) consumed via social network sites (SNS).
Research questions:
RQ1: What is the main effect of the level of trust in professional mainstream news media (PMNM) on trust in news communicate?
RQ2: What is the effect of trust level in PMNM and other users (FB "friend") on trust in news communicate?


Počet publikací: 1

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