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Obesity of various age groups of women of the Czech Republic

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Rok publikování 2012
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Popis In this paper the authors deal with the obesity of the Czech female population. As a basic criterion for the evaluation of obesity, several standard parameters used worldwide have been selected. These include the body Mass Index (BMI), % body fat, and the “fitness score”. The research sample consisted of 319 women divided into 6 age groups. The results show that in the studied women (p <0.05) BMI increases with increasing age.The fitness score starts to drop since the age of 50 years and slightly rises in Age Group 30 – 39 and 40 - 49. The percentage of fat increases with increasing age. For example, according to BMI, the percentage of women who fall into the category of overweight or obese increases with increasing age (expressed in %): Age Group 18 – 29 years: 16.7%; Group 30 - 39: 25.8%; Group 40 - 49: 32.7%; Group 50 - 59: 45.5%; Group 60 - 69: 66.0%; Group 70+ : 85.7%.
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