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Ethics of scenario training in self-defence class
Název česky | Etika využití modelových situací ve výuce sebeobrany |
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2012 |
Druh | Konferenční abstrakty |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Popis | The term scenario training is used in foreign information sources for a method of learning. The term may be interpreted as a training according to the scenario or training via playing scenarios. The scenario is understood as a pre-prepared course of a situation, where the roles of the actors are already given. In 2009 we created High School Self-defence project (HSSP) containing 12 educational units. In 2011 HSSP was tested at 3 high schools in the Czech Republic. The article is based on experience from the scenario training, which was performed as a test after 12 lessons. The aim of the study is to describe ethical dimension of scenario training application. According to our experience, for some clients it is not possible enter the scenario room even after the training. For these reasons we consider to be unethical to create a high degree stress situation without prior preparation. This approach is confirmed also by other expert, who deals with the ethical dimension of scenario training. Hošek (201O) states that the basic command for model training is the same like in medicine: "non nocere", which means "not hurt". It is understood as do not hurt both physically and psychologically (trauma, frustration, etc.). Scenario training has its ethical limits. This is an area of enduring pain, overcoming injury and unnecessary suffering. Excessive stressing of clients in scenario training we consider unethical. Dealing with scenario training we have to remember, that the training is about balance between trainees feeling of threat and real danger of trauma. The role-players, both the figurant and the trainee, are put in danger of physiological trauma. That is why different protectors and guards should be used. |