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Selected Issues of Wireless Sensor Networks Geovisualization in Agriculture

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Název česky Geovizualizace bezdrátových senzorových sítí v zemědělství


Rok publikování 2012
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Spatio-temporal mapping, modelling, and geovisualization of agrichemical and meteorological data variability significantly improve decision making and agronomic procedures within specific fields. The presented paper is evaluating the conceptual approaches to cartographic visualization methods of agricultural and metrological data acquired by WSN. Experimental portal for sensor data and geodata integration and visualisation was designed and prototyped based on open source interoperable platform. The introductory phase of sensors and cartographic outputs integration includes the development of base maps (general overview map, basic topographic information, WMS data from various public sources), thematic maps (soil conditions, crops variability), and sensor maps (spatio-temporal variability of project WSN). The portal, besides the above mentioned cartographic functionality, also comply with basic interoperability rules for a seamless integration of available geospatial resources in the form of OGC web map services.
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