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Vplyv trojmesačného kompenzačného programu na ovplyvnenie svalovej dysbalancie v oblasti bedrového kĺbu
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2013 |
Druh | Konferenční abstrakty |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Popis | The main aim of our work was to find out the effect of compensatory exercises for muscle imbalance The objective of the study was to measure muscle imbalance of 10 participants. The average body height 167,1 +/- 9,99 cm, body mass 71,5 +/- 14,52 kg and BMI 25,43 +/- 4,33 kg/m2. Our hypothesis was confirmed that with the increasing time sitting during a typical working day, we can observe shortening of hip flexors. |