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Record of the gapeworm Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railiet, 1899) (Syngamidae : Nematoda) in a semi-wild population of sumatran Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus abelii lesson, 1827) in Indonesia
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2008 |
Druh | Článek v odborném periodiku |
Časopis / Zdroj | Folia Primatologica |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Obor | Zoologie |
Klíčová slova | Mammomonogamus laryngeus Nematoda North Sumatra orangutan parasites Pongo abelli |
Popis | One adult syngamid nematode parasite couple was found during routine clinical observation in quarantine at the former Bohorok Rehabilitation Station from sputum of Pongo abelli and determined as Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Railliet, 1899). This finding confirmed previous record of ova and adult syngamid nematodes, determined by Collet et al. (1986) as Mammomonogamus sp. only, in orangutans kept in the Bohorok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (Northern Sumatra, Indonesia) and presented a serious health hazard to rehabilitants in this locality. Morphometrical features and the first description of the parasite from orang-utan were presented and documented. Coprological monitoring of infection in rehabilitants in this area as well as among the wild population of orangutan is necessary. |
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