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The Comparison of Different Age Groups on the Attitudes toward and the Use of ICT



Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Obor Pedagogika a školství
Klíčová slova Information and Communication Technology; Millennial Generation; Questionnaire; Quantitative Analysis
Přiložené soubory
Popis Different factors may be influencing the use of information and communication technology (ICT). One of the important factors is age. The society is divided into different groups according to age. A well-known age-based categorization, commonly used especially in the field of economics,, is based on whether people belong to the Millennial Generation which are born after 1980. The Millennial generation has some typical behaviors which are different from those of the older people regarding ICT. In this study Millennial Generation was compared to other older respondents while also taking into account factors like gender and residence. The sample was composed of 266 respondents from ages between 18 and 57. The questionnaire was administered on an e-form and contained 73 items regarding the use of Internet and ICT and attitudes toward these. The items regarding the attitudes were 5-point Likert type items and the items regarding the use of Internet and ICT had multiple-choice answers with 2 to 5 options to choose from. The first part of questionnaire included demographic variables like gender, age, the ownership of PC, etc. The analysis of the data focused on determining the differences in the use of Internet and ICT. The methods of inductive statistics like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. Reliability was tested by conducting a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient analysis. The construct validity was determined by using an exploratory factor analysis.
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