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“No Maps, No Lyrics – I am the Director of this Movie”: Short Film, Contracts, and Negotiation.

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Rok publikování 2013
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Citace Chyba/Error
Popis This paper focuses on the role of custom nature of short film making in terms of authorship. Specific examples of films produced in post-war Czechoslovakia are examined as intersections of negotiations taking place on different levels: within the company Short Film, on the level of ministerial authorities, but also on the level of sponsor (mostly national companies), or expert advisors authorizing factual accuracy of the film. Especially the marginalized role of yet canonized directors in the process is highlighted. As a secondary aspect characteristic for short film's authorship the paper examines the role of archival footage and animated maps, typical for Czech post-war nonfiction film.
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