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Piezoelectric Immunosensor for Detection of Aerosolized Microorganisms

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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Středoevropský technologický institut

Popis Detection of microorganisms has a crucial role in many fields. Even though the traditional microbiological methods are robust and provide low limits of detection, the analysis is usually time consuming. In some cases (e.g. monitoring of airborne pathogens), the fast detection is essential. Rapid and specific analysis can be provided by biosensors. In this work, the piezoelectric immunosensor for detection of aerosolized microorganisms was developed. Nonpathogenic E. coli K-12 was chosen as a biological warfare agents’ surrogate. The biosensing layer was prepared by immobilization of specific antibodies using bifunctional crosslinker Sulfo-SMCC. To allow safe work with aerosolized microorganisms, bioaerosol chamber was constructed. The dissemination was done using a piezoelectric aerosol generator and the samples were collected by a wetted-wall cyclone on-line coupled with the piezoelectric immunosensor. The concentration 1.45×10^4 CFU·L-1 of E. coli K-12 in air was successfully detected in 16 min. The whole measurement cycle including sensor surface regeneration and filling the chamber with clean air was completed in 40 min. Reference measurements were done using commercial particle counter and by cultivation method. The specificity was also tested on real air samples. The achieved results indicate that the developed sensor can be used for screening of microorganisms in the air.
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