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Evaluation of a Mobile MR Geovisualisation Interface



Rok publikování 2008
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proc. of the 29th annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (EUROGRAPHICS 2008), Short Papers
Popis This paper presents experimental results of a mobile mixed reality interface designed for geovisualization of 3D realistic urban environments which allows dynamic switching between three visualization domains: a virtual reality; an augmented reality and a mixed reality interface to get the best possible representation for visual exploration. On each domain, four different types of geovisualisation and navigation aids can be superimposed including georeferenced 3D maps, 2D digital maps, spatial 3D sound and 3D/2D textual annotations. Interaction is performed using keyboard, mouse, menus and tangible ways. To gather user requirements about urban and virtual navigation and to assess the effectiveness of mobile interface, a two-stage evaluation was performed.

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