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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Obor Sport a aktivity volného času
Klíčová slova human gait 3D kinematic analysis lateral differences
Popis Human walking as a basic locomotion looks quite simple but in reality there exist a lot of special characteristics which can evaluate the proper walking. By using three dimensional kinematic analysis we can recognize some common features and parameters during gait cycle, but on the other hand there are many differences in men, women, in various ages, walking in various velocities, by using some extra loading and surfaces. Our aim was to find some more and less important differences from lateral point of view. They can differ from normal parameters only a bit, but also differences can be very significant and pathological caused by injuries, illness, incorrect walking technique, stress, overloading, fatique and so on. Czech adult population (both sexes) was tested in laboratory conditions with the same testing procedures. Six high speed cameras and Simi motion software are excellent diagnostic means with sufficient precision and therefore we are able to describe gait cycle, its lateral differences (normal of pathological) in many details and bring some interesting outputs. The most interesting findings are lateral differences and changes in center of gravity movement during human walking. On the other hand, time differences in each walking phase are not objectively and statistically signifficant.
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