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Subsidence and thermal history of the Tlumacov-1 borehole

Název česky Subsidenční a teplotní historie vrtu Tlumačov-1


Rok publikování 2015
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Přiložené soubory
Popis This study investigated the burial history of borehole Tlumacov-1 (Tlu-1). Studied borehole is located in the prospection area Vizovice Hills in the East part of Czech Republic. Borehole Tlumacov-1 hit crystalline basement, autochthonous Carpathian foredeep. Alochthonous formations are represented by thrusted unit of pouzdrany unit, submenilitic formation and Zdanice-Hustopece formation. Total drilled depth reached 2315 m. For burial history reconstruction, heat flow (HF) scenario respecting typical HF values has been expected basen on Allen – Allen (2006). Heat flow values stars with XX for Devonian rift. Heat flow increase was followed by continuous cooling up to neogene, when cooling was increased due to Carpathin nappes thrusting. Recent calculated HF values are XX. Presented study represent forwad burial history reconstruction with several newly measured calibration parameters expressed as the random vitrinite reflectance (Rr). For recent situation, together 2 bottomhole temperature parameters has been used. As a result of the work, several conductivity values represented by lithology mixing has been used.

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