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The collective singularity of anti-racist actors: a case study of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic

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HUŠEK Petr TVRDÁ Kateřina

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Ethnic and Racial Studies
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor Politologie a politické vědy
Klíčová slova Anti-racism; racism; otherness; dispositives; Roma minority; Czech Republic
Popis This paper focuses on building a theory of collective singularity using the case of anti-racist collectives targeting the marginalized Roma minority in the Czech Republic. The collective singularity concept is one in which the values, norms, and practices that constitute a collective render it impossible for the group to transcend its own axioms in any manner other than by rejecting precisely these constitutive elements. The concept of anti-racism contains the trope of ‘the other’, perceived not only as an object of protection, integration, assistance, and interest, but also as an object under pressure to find its own (anti-)concept. Anti-racism oscillates around four dispositives (hysteria, paternalism, individualism, bionumerics) and finds itself unable to follow a radical pluralism with the potential to undermine the roots of the hegemonic discourse. As a result, the dispositives of anti-racism essentially become a ‘hidden’ form of disciplination, reproducing oppression and the impossibility of self-deconstruction.
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