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Lower and Middle Pleistocene sediment sequence with archaeological finds in Horky nad Jizerou (okr. Mladá Boleslav/ CZ)

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Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
Klíčová slova Czech Republic; Bohemia; Middle Pleistocene; Lower and Middle Palaeolithic; quaternary geology
Popis Due to the recent mapping and study of soil micro-morphology of the new brickyard at Horky nad Jizerou we were able to revise the sequence documented in the 1950s and 1960s in the old brickyard. Sediments from Horky nad Jizerou document the evolution of loess sedimentation from at least MIS 15 to the pleniglacial of last glaciation (MIS 2). The development of loess sedimentation was interrupted by numerous hiatuses, evidenced by erosive interfaces. Since the 1950s several archaeological assemblages from five different locations were collected. The oldest archaeological levels are at the site of Horky III, situated in the loess which has a minimum age of MIS 14. Artefacts such as a subspheroide and a side scraper from these levels have characteristics which correspond to this period well as the presence of horse bones does. A limited collection of small dimension stone industry of lower Palaeolithic character discovered at Horky II, is slightly younger, corresponding to either MIS 13 or MIS 11. The largest assemblage from Horky I was found within an erosion channel under the loess of MIS 10 which lay under a significant soil complex, corresponding to MIS 9. The sediments filling this erosion channel seem to correspond to the beginning of the glacial MIS 10. the collection is significant as the dominant forms are of preformed cores with hints of knowledge of levallois technology as well as evidence of bifacial retouching. two flakes from Horky IV lay in the loess corresponding to MIS 8. the youngest site is Horky V situated in soil strongly affected by solifluction and corresponding to MIS 7c. The assemblage is very small and chronologically featureless.
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