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Visualization in Out-of-Court Decision-Making Process: Synergy or Discord?

Název česky Vizualizace v mimosoudním rozhodovacím procesu: v harminii či v neshodě?


Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Argumentation 2015
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Obor Právní vědy
Klíčová slova Visualization; law; symbol; modern technologies; online dispute resolution
Popis It is indisputable that the paintings, pictures, symbols or graphic expressions have an enormous influence on the development of human society. Visualization is also influencing the law itself. However the question is to what extent the visual, graphic representation can assist in the decision-making process. The expression of the facts concerning the dispute through the symbols and the connection with modern technologies can significantly contribute to the clarity in decision-making process without ignoring essential facts. An example of an existing interconnection of visualization, law and technology is a simple presentation of the facts in the means of symbols in resolving disputes in out-of-court online dispute resolution in low-value high-volume cases. The purpose of this article is to present the use of the symbols and to demonstrate the potential of such visualization.
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