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Positive psychology : A science on mental health and well-being



Rok publikování 2016
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Positive Psychology is a relatively new field of psychology, the scientific study of positive functioning and flourishing on individual, social, cultural and global dimensions of life. The objectives of Positive psychology are similar to some extent to Indian Psychology, which is originally based on Indian philosophical and spiritual literature. Positive psychology and Indian psychology share similar concerns regarding ultimate goals of human life. The results of many our studies show that hope, perceived meaning of life and spirituality are significant predictors of psychological well-being. Also, the significance of altruistic behavior and its effect on well-being has been identified. It shows that meaningfulness and hope serve also as important factors in coping with difficult life situations. The findings support literature indicating the importance of eudaimonic perspective on well-being and optimal functioning of an individual and society.

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