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Gastrointestinal endoarasites parasitizing orang-utans Pongo abelii and Pongo pygmaeus.

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Rok publikování 2014
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Parasite infections can have serious impacts on individual health. During our parasitological monitoring of wild and semi-wild orang-utans, throughout Sumatra and Kalimantan, 16 different parasitic species were identified Parasitic infections can have a serious impact on the health of a host and endangered primate species are no exception. The genus Pongo (P. pygmaeus, P. abelii) is parasitized by numerous species of several genera (Nematoda 21; Cestoda 1; Trematoda 3; Acanthocephala 1; Unicellular 15). Only limited information is available regarding orang-utan parasites in general and studies focusing on free-living orang-utans are even rarer still. Determination of parasites has usually been carried out using coprological techniques; determination of individual parasite species is only found in 3 articles (from 1877, 1891 and 1950). During our parasitological monitoring of wild and semi-wild orang-utans in Sumatra and Kalimantan we identified the following serious pathogens, based on species determination of individual parasites: 1. Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Syngamidae: Nematoda) – persistent infection with high pathogenity; three pinworm species (Enterobiinae): 2. Enterobius buckley – the first report from a native locality and a new host; 3. Pongobius hugoti - a new species with high abundance in the study location; 4. Protenterobius pongoi a new species; 5. Ascaris sp.; 6. Bertiella satyri – a tapeworm which is a rare parasite in orang-utans. We will present the first complete list of orangutan parasites in the wild and semiwild. Financial supporte by the UMI - Saving of Pongidae Foundation and GA P505/11/1163.
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