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Urban spatial analyses: exploratory Roman land use model, Carnuntum (Austria)



Rok publikování 2015
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Roman Carnuntum is situated within the Vienna basin just south of the river Danube. As the capital of the Roman province Pannonia, played an important town role during the first four centuries of the first Millenniu m AD. The archaeological landscape of Roman Carnuntum is a complex representing almost all human activities. It consists of the civilian town, a legionary fortress with adjacent canabae, several burial grounds, temples and two amphitheatres.For a nearly half of the century, the Carnuntum landscape has been in the focus of aerial archaeology and geophysical prospection. Currently the archaeological landscape of Roman Carnuntum is completely surveyed using state-of-the-art magnetometry and high-resolution GPR within a research project lead by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology. In combination, prospection projects have gathered a considerable amount and wealth of new data about buried cultural heritage and significantly contributed to the massive expansion of our knowledge on the Roman town of Carnuntum. This allows a preliminary master plan of the civil of the town to be constructed. The here presented paper focuses on the layout of the street system of the Roman civil town, demonstrating the application of Space Syntax approach to the analysis of the archaeological prospection data. The aim of the present study is to understand the organisation of the space and to propose an initial model of land use for the civil town of Carnuntum.
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