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Rómska rodina ako faktor socializácie



Rok publikování 2015
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Romani proverb says : „Roma nane jekh – aňi pre jekh vas nane sa o angušta jekh (Roma are not all the same - after all, even the fingers on one hand are not the same). " According to the proverb is "among the Roma as between gadzo: one can live and the other does not know (maškar o Roma avka sar the maškar o gádže : jekh džanel te dživel, aver na džanel).“ Talk about global values Roma is as if we are talking about values or values Czechs Englishmen or Indians, and the like. On the other hand, the majority of ethnic congregation exhibit similar and related to the Group's distinctive values that are shaped by specific historical experience of ethno-cultural community - and into history includes a current problem as well as time-sucker community. Topic contribution Roma in Central Europe and the beginnings of Roma history points to the existing historical knowledge about the Roma community and its history as a chronicle written about them called "homines nigredine informes" smelly people, smelly through the black skin color"
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