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Individual differences associated with exposure to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites: An examination of adolescents from 25 European countries

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Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor Psychologie
Klíčová slova Cyberpsychology; Eating Disorders; Internet; Personality Traits; Proana; Promia; ProED; Disinhibition; Sensation Seeking; Media Exposure; EU Kids Online;
Popis This study explores the individual differences associated with adolescents’ exposure to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites (i.e., websites where people discuss ways to be very thin, such as being anorexic). Participants were adolescents from a large cross-national survey in 25 European countries (N = 18,709, aged 11–16, 50% girls). Sociodemographic and individual factors (i.e., variables related to Internet use and personality traits) were included in a logistic regression performed separately for girls and boys. The results showed that sensation seeking and online disinhibition were both associated with an increased risk of exposure to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites in girls as well as in boys, although some gender differences were apparent. In girls, but not in boys, the older the child and higher the socioeconomic status, higher the chance of being exposed to ‘‘ana-mia’’ websites. Further research is recommended to understand the real impact of ‘‘ana-mia’’ website exposure on adolescent health.
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