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Questions about the Differences between Protection of Consumer and Worker from the perspective of International and Czech Arbitration

Název česky Otázníky nad rozdíly mezi ochranou spotřebitele a pracovníka z pohledu mezinárodního a českého rozhodčího řízení

REMSOVÁ Kateřina

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Popis Paper deals with different approaches to consumers and employees in terms of the protection granted to them in domestic and international arbitration. Czech Act on arbitration and enforcement of arbitral awards applies to both domestic and international arbitration and assumes standards of consumer protection of the European Union law into the consumer arbitration. However, this Act provides no protection for the employees. In the paper on the last year of this conference I addressed the issue of arbitrability of individual employment disputes and I concluded that employment disputes of property nature only are arbitrable. This follow paper discusses the differences between protection of consumer and employee and addresses the question of the reasons why the same level of protection as consumers is not granted to the employees. The aim of this paper is the comparison of the regulation of consumer arbitration and arbitration in employment relationships in terms of the scope of protection afforded by the Act to consumers or employees and finding reasons why employees do not obtain similar protection as consumers in the arbitration.
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