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Hva er det for noe? Implisitt performativitet i Ingmar Bergmans tekster

Název česky Co je to? Implicitní performativita v textech Ingmara Bergmana


Rok publikování 2016
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Ingmar Bergman is perceived to be the prominent film director. His autobiographical books are considered to be an interesting supplement to his film works. Readers are familiar also with his film scripts, which had been published and are characterised as „filmberattälser“. Behind all Bergman‘s works is after all a text, which functions as a score waking to life abstractedly from who the reader is. My aim is to prove that Bergman’s works are performative already at the text level and that it is this performativity, which forms the background of new adaptations of Bergman‘s texts.
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