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Česi i Srbi u Banatskoj krajini u prvoj polovini 19. veka

Název česky Češi a Srbové na Banátské vojenské hranici v první polovině 19. století


Rok publikování 2016
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In 20th of the 19th century a bigger colonization wave from Czech Lands was directed to the most Eastern part of the Banat military frontier. Subject matter concerned both Czechs and Germans, who established numerous new villages in this area. Resulting from unfavorable conditions of the highland surroundings some of villages colonized by them became extinct and their residents had to seek a new home. Numerous Czech colonists from successfully established villages left to find better conditions, as well. Both groups newly settled Southern, flat part of the Banat military border, where however, in the mean time stabilized villages settled predominantly by Serbs have existed already. Czechs settled in those villages since 30th of the 19th century and were coming into close contact with Serbian bordermen. Lecture has been compiled mainly on both original sources kept in the holding of Czech colonist successors, and on archival research, as well. The study contributes to the discussions about the origin and functioning of a multicultural and multiethnic communities in southern Banat.

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