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Evaluation of self-defence for people with visual impairments - methodology aspects
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2016 |
Druh | Článek v odborném periodiku |
Časopis / Zdroj | Archives of Budo |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
www | https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=F6Z7KrW6SxcYQbf8oSl&page=1&doc=1 |
Obor | Sport a aktivity volného času |
Klíčová slova | model mugging; scenario training; security concerns; self-confidence; verbal defence |
Popis | Background & Study Aim: Self-defence for persons with some disability is a neglected area by most experts on self-defence. The aim of this study is to create the basic methodology of self-defence course for people with visual impairments Material & Methods: Ten persons (5 sightless and 5 short sighted, 5 men and 5 women; aged between 16 and 57) have attended 24 hour course of self-defence. We use a set of questions to determine the degree of self-confidence in selfde-fence situations such as prevention, verbal conflict and physical assault before and after the course. Second evaluation method is an expert analysis of scenario training. Results: After the self-defence course self-confidence during prevention and communication and inner security during conflict situations increased, which was shown in scenario trainings as well. Conclusions: A self-defence course for people with visual disabilities should be focused on the early recognition of danger, verbal defence training and the use of physical contact. Post conflict stays as a challenge in this area. |