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Boys, Girls, and Scissors: A Semantic Analysis of Polish NPs Headed by the Numeral Dwoje



Rok publikování 2014
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In this chapter I deal with the semantic properties of Polish NPs headed by numerals with the suffix -e, e.g. dwoje studentów (“two students”). I present constraints on the distribution of Polish -e numerals and provide evidence that these constraints follow on from their semantics. I examine three types of NPs in which numerals with the suffix -e can appear and propose a semantic interpretation of each type of such NPs. Furthermore, I argue that Polish numerals with the suffix -e are compositional and discuss the semantic contribution of each morpheme in their morphological make-up. The analysis is based on the formal semantic theory of Landman (2000).

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