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Decomposing derived collectives in West Slavic: Experimental evidence from Czech and Polish

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Rok publikování 2017
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Citace DOČEKAL, Mojmír a Marcin WĄGIEL. Decomposing derived collectives in West Slavic: Experimental evidence from Czech and Polish. In 12.5th Formal Description of Slavic Languages conference (FDSL 12.5), 7.-9. 12. 2017, Nova Gorica, Slovinsko. 2017.
Popis In this paper, we present experimental evidence concerning 3 classes of derived collectives in Czech and Polish. The results of the experiment suggest the existence of a scale of decomposability involving distinct types of collective nouns, bare plurals, and distributive quantifier phrases. We attribute the observed semantic effects to the interplay of 2 factors, i.e., agreement and animacy.
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