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Vráble-Veľké Lehemby: Ene Siedlungsgruppe der Linearkeramik in der Südwestslowakei



Rok publikování 2014
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Slovenská archeológia : [časopis Acheologického ústavu Slovenskej akadémie vied v Nitre]
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Obor Archeologie, antropologie, etnologie
Klíčová slova Slovakia; Early Neolithic; Linear Pottery Culture; settlement structures; chronology
Popis The early Neolithic settlements at Vráble-Veľké Lehemby were discovered in 2009 and surveyed in the years 2010 and 2012. Three extraordinarily large settlements are located directly beside each other in an area of more than 50 ha. Through geomagnetic investigations a minimum number of 316 houses and an enclosure could be identified. In 2012, the first systematic surveys, sediment cores and small-scale excavations were carried out on one of the settlements and showed preservation conditions that hold great potential for the study of palaeoeconomy, material culture and patterns of local and regional social interactions. Botanical and zoological data have been preliminarily investigated and are presented here, as is the ceramic material from surveys and excavations. The latter enables us to date the site to the late Linear Pottery culture and Želiezovce group. The enclosure consists of two parallel ditches, enclosing an area of 14.7 ha with six gaps indicating entrances. The excavation of the outer ditch revealed a complex history of fills and at least one re-cutiing incident. A preliminary interpretation of the inner ditch as the remnants of a palisade could not be verified; rather we are dealing with a double ditch enclosure. The excavation of house 39 within the enclosure revealed a single-phase post-built house of the late Linear Pottery culture. The two parallel long-pits along its side showed different re-filling processes and larger events of refuse deposition. The excavations confirmed the interpretation of the magnetometer plan, thereby qualifying the geomagnetic data, which enables us to use the geomagnetic plan as a basis for models of intra-site chronological developments. Different variants of possible organisational principles discussed within the Linear Pottery research community are presented. These are dependent on the validity of different possible chronological models for the development within and between the three sites in Vráble. These models have to be tested by further excavations in order to identify the structures of internal settlement organisation, which have far-reaching connotations for our understanding of early Neolithic societies in southern Central Europe.

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