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Lilly Reich in Stuttgart und in Brünn

Název česky vystoupení na finisáži brněnské výstavy o Lilly Reich v Městské knihovně ve Feuerbachu, předměstí Stuttgartu


Rok publikování 2017
Druh Uspořádání výstavy
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Ing. Jana Šinkyříková (Secondary School of Art and Design Brno, Husova 10) prepared an exhibition about the undervalued partner of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Thanks to the cooperation with her colleagues and within the project of the German Cultural Association Region Brno took place the opening of the exhibition in Villa Tugendhat in the spring of 2016. The partnership between Brno and Stuttgart and the effort of Mrs. Hannah Zakhari enabble to present this small bilingual exhibition in the Municipal Library Stuttgart - Feuerbach. At the exhibition I participated in the research phase and translated the accompanying text into German.

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