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Konštrukcia identity metalového Boha: Prípadová štúdia kapely Steel Panther



Rok publikování 2017
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The conference paper deals with analysis of the metal frontman/god concept on the example of heavy metal band Steel Panther. The analysis of their music, lyrics, concert shows and interviews with band members demonstrates the evolution of the concept „metal god“ in 21th century and indicates possible answers for the question of still lasting popularity of „classic“ heavy metal bands and seemingly „weak“ cult of new heavy metal bands from 21th century from the perspective of cultural sociology. As Deena Weinstein (2009) assumes correctly, the origin of the image and concept of „metal god “ is related to the reproduction of metal genre. The individuals who became „metal gods“, are inspiring future frontman and musician with their virtuosity, visual perfection, popularity, fame and hedonistic lifestyle. The parodist image of the band Steel Panther exaggerate all the classic attributes of successful metal god, because it is a unique reproduction strategy of heavy metal genre in days, when the support of label is lowered down.
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