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Vplyv aktívneho odpočinku na opakované rýchlostno-silové zaťaženie



Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Kondičný tréning v roku 2018
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Klíčová slova recovery active versus passive recovery power performance
Popis In our article we focused on active recovery theme and setting optimal level of active recovery during repetitive power performances. In our experiment participated two 21-years old students of FTVŠ UK. Power output of concentric phase of squat – jump exercise was measured. Bout of power performance represented six repetitions in four sets with 90 second rest. Between 3 bouts students undergone controlled active recovery (AOK) (130 – 140 HR), spontaneous level of active recovery and passive recovery. Recovery interval lasted 10 minutes. One student reached increase of mean power performance during PO between 1. and 3. bout (p<0,05). There was no significat differences during AOK and AON (p<0,05). Second student reached increase of mean power performance during AOK in 2. (p<0,01) and 3. bout (p<0,05) in comparison with 1. bout. There was no significat differences during AON and PO (p<0,05). Individualization in setting type and intensity of recovery in this type of repeated power performances is recommended.
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